Parliamentarians Ask G8 to Focus on Women

PARIS, May 18 2011 (IPS) – Ahead of this month s G8 summit in France, parliamentarians from 35 countries have issued a strong call for leaders of the world s major economies to focus on the role of women and girls in development.
We wish to draw the world s attention to two aspects of human rights that are the most neglected – the situation facing girls and adolescent women and the challenges posed by global population dynamics at present, said a resolution issued at the end of the Global Parliamentarians Summit held at France s National Assembly on Monday and Tuesday.

France s minister for Cooperation, Henri de Raincourt, told IPS that discussions of the issues affecting women and girls would form a real part of the G8 meeting.

France insists on this, he said. …

GMO Test Trials Prove Divisive in Ghana

A confined field trial of genetically modified cowpeas in Ghana. Credit: Albert Oppong-Ansah/IPS

SAVELUGU, Ghana, Dec 26 2013 (IPS) – A battle over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is building in Ghana after the government recently completed regulations that could allow modified cowpeas and other selected crops to be grown following confined field trials (CFT).

Civil society groups and at least one opposition party have positioned themselves to fight against the introduction of GMOs.”The state should support sustainable farming by providing the necessary resources, infrastructure and enough technical personnel.” — Dr. Wilson Dogbe

The BT Cowpea …

Opinion: Education as a Cornerstone for Women’s Empowerment

Dr. Kirsten Stoebenau is a Gender and Population Specialist at the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW).

Girls who report that their domestic chores interfere with their schooling are three times more likely to drop out. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS

Girls who report that their domestic chores interfere with their schooling are three times more likely to drop out. Credit: Zofeen Ebrahim/IPS

WASHINGTON, Mar 25 2015 (IPS) – Earlier this month, the Barack Obama administration announced a new initiative designed to improve girls’ education around the world. Dubbed “Let Girls Learn,” the programme builds on current progress made, such as ensuring girls…

Malawi Suffers Worst Cholera Outbreak in Decades

Cholera ward in a health centre in Blantyre. Malawi has experienced a massive rise in cholera in the past year. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

Cholera ward in a health centre in Blantyre. Malawi has experienced a massive rise in cholera in the past year. Credit: Charles Mpaka/IPS

BLANTYRE, Jan 9 2023 (IPS) – On March 3, 2022, Malawi declared a cholera outbreak after a district hospital in the southern region reported a case. This was the first case in the 2021 to 2022 cholera season.

That single case was a warning for what would become Malawi’s worst cholera outbreak in decades.

For nearly a year now, cholera has gripped the coun…

South Africa Must Respond – & Lead– on COVID-19 & SDGs

Dr Leila Fourie, Group CEO of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, and Fani Titi, CEO of Investec, are members of the UN Secretary-General’s Alliance.

Secretary-General António Guterres poses for a group photo with the members of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance. Credit: Mark Garten / United Nations

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, May 18 2020 (IPS) – Sitting on the southern tip of Africa during a time of social distancing, while the entire planet fights Covid-19, we cannot help but reflect on how vulnerable our country is to this scourge.

The pandemic has highlighted the underlying inequalities in our society. More than half of So…