Mind the Treatment Gap

Vani S. Kulkarni teaches Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, and Raghav Gaiha is (Hon.) Professorial Fellow, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester.

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PHILADELPHIA AND NEW DELHI, Apr 14 2017 (IPS) – Implementation of the Mental Healthcare Act will require a restructuring of health-care services
The Mental Healthcare Bill, 2016, which was passed in the Lok Sabha on March 27, 2017, has been hailed as a momentous reform. According to the Bill, every person will have the right to access mental health care operated or funded by the government; good quality and affordable health care; equality of treatment and protection fro…

The Bible, Donald Trump and Plastic

“I love L.A. I love Hollywood. They’re beautiful.
Everybody’s plastic – but I love plastic. I want to be plastic.”
 &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Andy Warhol

Credit: u/USMCinUSA

STOCKHOLM / ROME, Jun 5 2020 (IPS) – Another episode of the spectacular show that could be called The Greatest Story Ever Told: The Saga of the Trump Presidency, scripted and acted by Trump himself, took place on 1st of June.

As U.S. cities were scenes of demonstrations and looting, President Trump declared himself to be ”the president of law and order” and said he was going to dispatch ”thousands and thousands” of law enforcement pe…

The Battle for Covid-19 Vaccines: the Rich Prevail Over the Poor

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 20 2022 (IPS) – The 164-member World Trade Organization (WTO) has implicitly rubber-stamped a widely-condemned policy of “vaccine apartheid” which has discriminated the world’s poorer nations, mostly in Africa and Asia, depriving them of any wide-ranging intellectual property rights.

As Max Lawson, Co-Chair of the People’s Vaccine Alliance and Head of Inequality Policy at Oxfam, said at the conclusion of the WTO’s ministerial meeting last week: “The conduct of rich countries at the WTO has been utterly shameful”.

“The European Union (EU) has blocked anything that resembles a meaningful intellectual property waiver. The UK and Switze…

New Education Cannot Wait Annual Results Report Highlights Multiplying Education Challenges for Children & Adolescents Living in Emergencies & Protracted Crises amid Covid-19

Building on its innovative model that has already reached +4.6 million children & adolescents in the world’s worst humanitarian crises, Education Cannot Wait calls for urgent, bold investments in education in emergency programmes to avoid irreversible loss for entire generations.

GENEVA / NEW YORK, Oct 5 2021 – On this World Teachers’ Day, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, announced it has reached more than 4.6 million children and adolescents (48% of whom are girls) with quality education in more than 30 of the worst humanitarian crises around the world.

The Fund’s new Annu…

‘End Leprosy Discrimination Now, For the Sake of Our Children’

Parents at Alheri leprosy colony outside Nigeria s Federal Capital Territory, Abuja have appealed for an end to discrimination, which they say impacts their children. Credit: Oluwatobi Enitan/IPS

Parents at Alheri leprosy colony outside Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory, Abuja have appealed for an end to discrimination, which they say impacts their children.
Credit: Oluwatobi Enitan/IPS

Abuja, Nigeria, Feb 3 2022 (IPS) – Seidu Ishaiku lives in the hope that his children will succeed. He and his family live with about 300 other residents in the Alheri leprosy colony outside Nigeria s Federal Capital Territory Abuja.

They (our children) are obviously ou…