Cuba Streamlines Public Health System

A number of hospitals and clinics in Cuba have been remodelled. Credits: Jorge Luis Baños/IPS

HAVANA, Sep 7 2013 (IPS) – One challenge faced by the Cuban government, and a high priority for citizens, is improving the efficiency and sustainability of public health services, a constitutional right that the state is supposed to ensure for all.

The quality of healthcare services was a target of criticism during mass debates that were promoted by President Raúl Castro in a key Jul. 26, 2007 speech.

Many suggestions for improving the public health system also emerged from discussions on the draft social and economic policy guidelines that were later approved for …

Roma the Movie: The Hidden Drama of Domestic Workers

STOCKHOLM / ROME, Feb 18 2019 (IPS) – Roma, a 2018 Mexican film written and directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is currently on a triumphal journey through the world. It won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the best director and best foreign language film at the Golden Globe Awards, best director and best picture at the Critics´ Choice Awards, best film, best direction and best cinematography at the British Academy Film Awards. Furthermore, Roma has a record high ten nominations for the upcoming Academy Awards (The Oscars). Not at all bad for a black-and-white movie, which appears to have been directed by a sophisticated cineaste and custom-made for an art-house audienc…

TNCs Reviving TPP Frankenstein

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Jan 12 2021 (IPS) – The incoming Biden administration is under tremendous pressure to demonstrate better US economic management. Trade negotiations normally take years to conclude, if at all. Unsurprisingly, lobbyists are already urging the next US administration to quickly embrace and deliver a new version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Jomo Kwame Sundaram

Trump legacy
Repackaging and reselling a TPP avatar will not be easy. Well before Trump’s election, even the official mid-2016 doubted Peterson Institute of International Economics (PIIE) of significant for all.

Unsurprisingly, most major US presidential – even Hillary…