Suvendrini Kakuchi
TOKYO, Apr 15 2011 (IPS) – Since the horrific Mar. 11 earthquake and tsunami that devastated her coastal town of Minato, in Ishinomaki city, Masami Endo s three-year-old daughter has been crying and clinging to her every night.
My daughter, Sakura, has never cried in fear of darkness till this disaster. She is completely different to the rather cheerful but also kind of stoic child she was before, Endo, a single mother, told IPS.
Endo is very worried about her child. The two of watched the tsunami swarm into their town and through the first floor of their house, destroying the structure badly. Ishinomaki is located in Miyagi- prefecture, about 330 kilometres north of Tokyo.
The story of Sakura is just one example of the thousands of tales o…