More Austerity for Developing Countries: It’s Bad News, and It’s Avoidable

As the West questions damaging austerity policies, it is becoming the new normal for the rest of the world, risking achievement of sustainable development goals.

WASHINGTON DC and LONDON, Nov 25 2019 (IPS) – After years of austerity, a number of Eurozone countries are now considering fiscal policies. And in the UK, government spending is set to return to levels . But austerity abounds elsewhere in the world, including in some of the poorest countries.

Since 2010, governments around the world have been cutting public expenditure. found that about 75 per cent of the global population, or 5.8 billion people, will be in countries undergoing austerity by 2…

The Illusion of Digital Inclusion in the Post-COVID World

Credit: SHE Investments Cambodia

BANGKOK, Thailand, May 7 2021 (IPS) – We are living through a decisive moment. The COVID-19 pandemic’s devasting impact is reaching every corner of the world. As we look back at this period, we will see history divided into a pre-COVID and a post-COVID world.

And a defining feature of the post-COVID world will be the digital transformation that has permeated every aspect of our lives. Chief Technology Officers can say that the pandemic has done their job for them, accelerating the digitalization of economies and societies at an unimaginable pace.

The digital transformation has gone hand in hand with the rise …

Japan Should Lead Charge for Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines: We All Deserve Protection from Covid-19

Credit: United Nations

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Nov 20 2020 (IPS) – Japan should step up and play a role as a global facilitator for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, Dr Daisaku Higashi said at a recent Japan Parliamentarians Federation for Population (JPFP) study meeting.

The country should use the credibility developed in the post-Second World War era as a country with expertise in peacebuilding to ensure that developing countries are included in the vaccines’ rollout.

Higashi, a renowned commentator from Sophia University, warned that only an international effort could solve the pro…